Having been raised by a single mom, and now being a mom myself, I have TREMENDOUS respect for all the single mamas out there! You ladies are amazing and I just think you should know that!!

This ones for you!!! 😘😘


Dear Single Mom,

You are AMAZING! Yes you are! The way you take care of your children and work hard to provide for them, all while keeping a smile on your face is only ONE of the MANY reasons why you’re so AMAZING! You are stronger than you know. To be able to do all that you do as a mom, every single day, by yourself… is pretty commendable. You wear many hats, and you wear them well.

I say all these things because I was raised by a single mom. I know first-hand how strong you have to be to raise children all by yourself.  My mom is the strongest woman I know. She sacrificed so much to help me become the woman I am today. She made sure that I had everything I needed and even did her best to give me a little extra when she could. She worked hard as a teacher, and instilled in me the importance of working hard and doing what needed to be done.  I am now in the field of education myself. She was and still is an excellent example of a woman and mother.  Not once did I hear her complain about our situation. She had every right to be upset, frustrated and angry but she maintained a positive and grateful attitude through it all.  She’s amazing!

Being a mom is hard work in general, but doing it alone is even harder.  Your children may not understand the sacrifices you are making for them now, but when they become adults and even parents themselves they will understand. In the meantime, let me say this for them now… THANK YOU!

Thank you for all the nights that you stayed up to take care of them when they were sick…

The times you went without so they could have…

The times when you gave up “me time” to be with them…

The times when you taxied them around and made sure they got to their games and extracurricular activities…

The times when you were their biggest cheerleader on and off of the field…

The times when you didn’t have much to give, but you gave them your all anyway…

The list goes on and on. You are appreciated, loved and valued. The sacrifices you make do not go unnoticed.

Now that I am a mommy myself, I cannot imagine having to do this “mommy-ing” thing alone. But you’re doing it in style! It takes a very special person to be a single mom and I celebrate you today! I celebrate that you are raising amazing little people and staying fabulous at the same time! I look up to you, I respect you and YES I think you’re AMAZING!

Gr8fully Yours,