Not too long ago I posted a picture on Facebook of the “Grateful Box” that Henry got for me on our 5th wedding anniversary. I didn’t realize it would generate so much interest but I’m so glad it did! Some friends were asking me more about it so I decided to share.
How It All Began
Right before our 5th anniversary, Henry and I went through some really, really, REALLY challenging things in our relationship/marriage. It was pretty intense and really affected us personally and especially our relationship. I had gotten to a place where I always saw the glass as half empty… no scratch that… The glass was DRY… not one drop left. To be completely honest, I didn’t think we were going to make it. I started looking for tickets to go back home so that I could “get a break” from all of the drama. My unhappiness was like a rain cloud that wouldn’t go away. Not only was I extremely unhappy, but my unhappiness began to seep into all parts of my life and affect everything. I had begun to be ungrateful in every situation and about everything. Instead of seeing the good in our situation (which is pretty hard to do in any really tough situation), I was so hurt and believe that I even experienced some depression. I was hurt by the things that transpired and spent many days in tears. I was ANGRY… angry at Henry, the situation, the other people who were part of the situation, the things that were being said about me that were not true, that I felt alone and unsupported, etc. One of the things that I was the most upset about was that I left everything I knew back home to come to THIS????? My husband was caught between two parties with two VERY different expectations. It caused so much tension between us because even though he was trying to navigate the situation, there were things that were very difficult for him to change. To sum everything up and to be completely honest…. We were in a really tough situation and I felt like it wasn’t changing at all. I feared that this was going to “be my portion” and that I would just have to deal with it. I feared that I would be miserable and have to deal with this “drama” for the rest of my life. I was not going to divorce Henry, because coming into this marriage that was not an option, but I was going to find a way to cope and just “get through” this life.
Right smack in the middle of these challenges we celebrated our 5th wedding anniversary. Henry wanted to get me a special gift that year so he researched anniversary gifts by year. Looking back on it now, I can’t remember if I even got him a gift (yikes!). He discovered that for five year anniversaries, the traditional gift was wood and paper. So with that new found information in hand, off he went to find my gift. While looking, he came across a wooden box. It was originally designed to be a jewelry box, but Henry (with his creative self) saw something more. He then found a notebook that had my initial on it and fit perfectly in the box. So fast forward to our anniversary date… I remember that day like it was yesterday… With a huge smile on his face, Henry presented me with the gift bag. As I opened the bag and pulled out the box, my curiosity began to grow. I was trying to connect the dots and understand how the two items went together… but it wasn’t working. LOL… I think he could see it all over my face. He then proceeded to explain that he had gotten this box for me to put inside all the things that I was grateful for. That I was to use the notepad to write down things and stick them in the box.
From time to time, I was to go back and read the things in the box to remind myself of the blessings and things I was grateful for. . This box was to serve as a reminder of God’s goodness and faithfulness to me… to us… even when things seemed so dark and dreary. I was so excited about this gift and was looking forward to putting grateful notes in it. I was looking forward to something that would help take my mind off of our situation and something else to focus on. I’ll admit, as time went by, I wasn’t completely consistent with putting things in it, but periodically I would put something in and go back to read what was already there. I wish I had put more things in it, but I’m grateful for the many blessings that are in the grateful box.. Here are a few things that I wrote for my grateful box.

This was written 8 months before we got pregnant and 9 months before we found out we were expecting!

This was written about 2 weeks before we found out we were having a girl!!
So back to our story… through prayer, several sessions of counseling and MANY tearful discussions things improved. Thank God!!! Things are better now than they’ve ever been. The Lord is healing and restoring what the enemy tried so hard to steal and destroy. I’m so grateful to the Lord for helping us get through that really tough time and for helping our relationship to be stronger. God is so faithful and works everything out for our good. Thankfully things are much better now, but I would be lying if I said it wasn’t one of the hardest things I ever had to go through. I found that as I developed a grateful attitude my focus changed. As my focus changed, my outlook about everything began to change as well. My thankful attitude caused me to begin to view things through a lens of gratefulness. This lens eventually became my default way of thinking and helped me see the good in my situation- areas that I could grow- and in the end changed my situation. The saying “Change in attitude will change your altitude” is so true. I saw it in action through my situation. When I changed my attitude, became grateful and looked at the positive in my situation my “altitude” began to change. It wasn’t an overnight process, but with purposeful consistency, it worked. By changing my attitude, I was also able to focus on the things that really mattered; like being a blessing to others.
Recently, I revisited my “grateful box” and was again reminded of the things that God has done for me–and for us–over these past years. It’s hard to believe that I’ve had this box for almost four years now! I have so many reminders of God’s faithfulness in the box, but I know there are so many more that have gone unrecorded.
This year, Henry gave me another challenge: to write a grateful note every day this year. I really want to make sure that I maintain this challenge and keep before me the things that the Lord has done for me and now for my little family. I also want to make sure that I help to cultivate an attitude of thankfulness in Rissy and in our other children to come. I want her to appreciate the many blessings she has received. She is so loved and has received so many blessings even before she was born!! One thing I would like to do is set up a “grateful box” for our family. My hope is that Rissy and our future children will carry this tradition into their own homes and with their own families. I don’t want them to ever forget what the Lord has done for them.
All of that brings me to this website… As women, we go through many seasons and transitions in our lives, at times it can be hard to enjoy the journey and the process. This is especially hard when we are going through tough times, storms and trials. My hope is that my website will help encourage you and help you to enjoy the process/journey of life… every part of it. That you will be encouraged to develop an attitude of gratefulness that will impact everything you do. That this attitude will help change your mind, outlook and even your situation. When we look at life through a lens of gratefulness, we can see the faithfulness of God and the positive in any situation.
I’m so excited to be able to launch into this new venture. I’ll admit that I’m nervous. This is something that I’ve had in my heart and on my mind for a very long time and am so happy to finally see it coming to fruition. My hope is that as I share my story and experiences, you will be encouraged and that you will feel like you have a friend even if it’s only through this website. Together, let’s enjoy our journeys, wherever that may be, through the lens of gratitude. Thank you for joining me!
Gr8fully Yours,
Well done Melissa! I thoroughly enjoyed reading your moving yet very encouraging blog. I look forward to your future journals.
Thank you so much for your comment! I’m so glad this blog is able to be an encouragement to you. Thanks again!
Dear Melissa,
Thank you for the grateful box. I hadn’t thought about gratefulness as an attitude before but you are so right. It is the lens we should, must use. Gratefulness. Just the focus I need growing older. Your blog encourages me, because of its focus and because you pushed through to write and share your life.
Awww thank you sooo much! I am so glad that my story is an encouragement to you. Yes, being grateful has made a HUGE difference in my thinking and how I look at life’s situations. Thank you so much for stopping by and for your comment. 🙂
This is awesome Melissa, thank you for sharing apart of you to us.
Thank you so much! Thank you for stopping by! 🙂
I love love this “grateful box” I know I talk with my kids every night before bed about things they are thankful and grateful for but taking it one step forward (writing it down and putting it in box) would be great! Like you said we can revisit the box from time to time. Great stuff Mel!
AWESOME!!! I’m so glad that you are able to use this idea. I LOVE that you will have your kids create one. I definitely want to start one with Rissy soon. Thank you for your comment! 🙂
I LOVE IT!! Life is truly about perspective…a kaleidoscope of emotions and experiences..
but if one leans on optimism and believing in the half filled cup ALL the time…no matter what’re solid.
Thanks Melissa for sharing and giving us a look see into your soul…
Peace and Love
Thank you so much cous! Thank you for stopping by! 🙂
Thank you for sharing Melissa! I love the back story and look forward to frequenting your blog!
Awwww thank you sooo much!! 🙂
I love the honesty and how well your blog is written. Everything about the entire site is welcoming. Most important of all, I love and I am gr8ful that I know you, your Hubby and the adorable Rissy 🙂
Awww thank you so much Sheba! And thank you for the many prayers you prayed for us and for Rissy before and after her coming. We are truly blessed to know and have you in our lives as well! We love you much! 🙂
This is such a beautiful and raw well put story. It shows the beauty of a marriage while it is building some years. It also shows how each individual builds its character through some tough times!!!
Amen!! Thank you so much! Marriage is def a growing and stretching process. I’m so gr8ful to the Lord for grace to walk this journey and to Henry for being led by the Lord to get the “gr8ful box” in the first place. I am truly gr8ful. 🙂