When I sat down to write this, I had planned to write another Christmas post. But I feel that this time I should just write from my heart… My grateful heart.
Recently, I have done some reflecting about this past year and cannot help but be grateful. This year has been full of many blessings. The Lord has truly guided my steps and has blessed me beyond what I could think or deserve. He is so faithful and I am so thankful for his love, mercies and goodness to me and my family.
As I’m getting older, I’ve begun to better appreciate the simple things… the things that money cannot buy. I’m so grateful for good health, wonderful relationships with friends and family, a family of my own, a job that brings in consistent income and most importantly… a relationship with Jesus. He is so faithful and His love never fails… even when I fail Him, He continues to love, bless, protect and keep me. Jesus has shown himself faithful even when things seemed unstable. When there was an issue with my position at work being cut, He made a way for me to find another one in a matter of a week’s time. When I was really sick around my birthday this year, the Lord healed me and helped show me ways to take better care of myself.
I am also so grateful for the other relationships that I have in my life. They are priceless. This following quote sums it up nicely:
The quality of your life is determined by the quality of your relationships. – Richard Norris
I truly believe this! My life is so full because of the relationships that I am blessed to have.
The Lord has blessed me with some amazing friends and this year they have challenged, encouraged and helped me grow. I am also very blessed with a wonderful relationship with my mom. We are not just mother and daughter…but we are friends.
I cannot end this post without saying how grateful I am for my husband, Henry. I can’t believe that we will be celebrating 10 years of marriage in June! Our relationship has gone through some ups and downs, but the Lord has kept us and will continue to do so. I am so grateful for the “fruit” that has come from this relationship. We prayed a long time for our Rissy, and she is God’s perfect gift to us… She’s amazing and I love being her mom.
As I write, the word that keeps jumping out at me is relationship. The real treasures of life are relationships, starting with the most important one, a relationship with Jesus. You can have all the material things you’ve ever wanted, but if you don’t have true relationships, you really don’t have much at all. A purse can’t hug you when you’re lonely, a shoe can’t offer a shoulder to lean on when you cry, a dress cannot pray for you and a car can’t challenge you… you get the idea…
I want to encourage you today to take some time out of the hustle and bustle of this season to reach out to those whom God has put in your life and let them know how much you appreciate/love them. That could be the best Christmas gift they receive this year. On that note… I need to go find my thank you cards! 😉
Gr8fully Yours,
Awe Melissa I loved this post. Makes me realize that I need to do more to treasure the relationships in my life and work to strengthen the one I have with God;It’s felt very nonexistent the last two years. I love your family and hope God continues to bless you. Thanks for this post.
Awwww I’m so glad that my words could encourage you. I’m so blessed to hear you say that you will work on treasuring and strengthening your relationships… especially your relationship with God. My desire is that those who read my words will be drawn closer to the Lord. Thank you for stopping by and for your honest and kind words. 🙂
I couldn’t agree more. Relationships are the most valuable. Good relationships give back and are worth every effort of love and care. And, your post on the 8 things to give on Christmas ties right into giving and building good relationships. Gr8ful Woman is from the heart and on point.
I LOVE this! One of my goals for the Christmas weekend is to totally disconnect from all social media and only check my phone for text messages so that I can focus on relaxing, spending time with my family and the relationships. Thank you for this reminder!
Thank you so much! I too needed this reminder and am looking forward to connecting with family and friends this Christmas. Thank you for stopping by! Have a very Merry Christmas!! 🙂
I absolutely love your blog because it’s so down to earth and real. It’s simple and inspiring!
Awwwww thank you so much!! I’m so glad that this blog can be an encouragement to you. Thank you for the support, for stopping by and for the comment! 🙂 Be Blessed!!
Wow! What a lovely post the testimony made me think about my life and where God is taking me! New relationships I am facing trying not be afraid but, also understanding my life can only get better and too look for better is what I am expecting.
Thank you for sharing you. ?
Awww… thank you so much for the comment Sis. Twyla! Amen! He is truly faithful and brings the right people into our lives at just the right time! You are so welcome! 🙂 Thank you so much for stopping by!
Wow! What a lovely post the testimony made me think about my life and where God is taking me! New relationships I am facing trying not be afraid but, also understanding my life can only get better and too look for better is what I am expecting.
Thank you for sharing you. ?