Hello Everyone!
I know it’s been a little while since I’ve posted, but it was for very good reasons!!
I have to say that THIS was THE BEST summer I’ve EVER had!!!!! Well Almost… Let me explain!!
The Summer of 2015 was really THE BEST summer I’ve ever had. That was the summer that I became a mommy and my life has never been the same. Giving birth to Rissy has been my greatest accomplishment. But if I had to choose a second best summer… this would be it!!
As I sat down to reflect on Summer 2017 and how wonderful it was, I came up with a list of 8 reasons why this is my best summer yet! I wanted to share with you all! Here we go!
I Made It!!!

This past school year was one of the toughest years I have ever had! I worked in TWO different schools in TWO very different positions. Learning how to juggle the responsibilities of both jobs was very challenging. I was on a serious learning curve last year. In addition to juggling two positions, I had to learn the dynamics and personalities of staff in a new school. THAT was extremely challenging. Even though this last school year was very challenging for me, I learned and grew so much. As the year was ending, I kept saying to myself: “If I can get through this year, I can get through ANYTHING”. Thankfully I didn’t have to rely on my own strength, but was able to rely on the strength that comes from the Lord when we trust in Him.
I got a new job… kind of!

Moving Day!!
So as I mentioned earlier, last school year I had two different positions. Thankfully I was able to get a full-time position at my newer school so now I will only be working at one location instead of two. I’m really excited about it and am looking forward to really doing well and improving on the work that I did last year. While I grew tremendously at my old school (I had been there for seven years) it was definitely time to move on. I am really looking forward to continued growth in my other school and for opportunities to really network with others.
We renewed our vows!
Henry and I celebrated 10 years of marriage this year. I still can’t believe we’ve been married that long!! We have been through so much but Jesus is so faithful and has kept us. These past 10 years have been years of growth and really learning what marriage is all about. There were times when things were so bleak, I didn’t think we were going to make it. You can read more about that here. But Jesus kept us and is using our story to bring glory to His name!! We couldn’t have made it without HIM! We are sooo gr8ful and are looking forward to what He is going to do in our marriage and with our story.

The Teages
I had the gift of TIME!!
After having Rissy, I learned to really appreciate time so much more. Before Rissy came along, I had so much time to do whatever I wanted! But add a little person into the equation and I found “extra” time for myself very hard to find. Last summer I kept Rissy home with me since I was on summer break and so naturally I had planned to do the same this summer. Thankfully it worked out that her daycare was open this summer and Henry and I were able to work things out where she could continue to attend. That was THE. BEST. DECISION. we made! Having a few days a week to myself was so refreshing and really helped me to feel like I had could recover from a really hectic school year. It was just what I needed! I was able to catch up on some much-needed rest (I didn’t realize how tired I was until I woke up from a FOUR HOUR NAP that first day!) and really get things in order so that I could start this new school year with focus and energy. This is the first summer in SIX years that I feel like I actually had a break! I feel ready and excited for this new school year…. that starts tomorrow! (Yikes!)
Summer Projects…DONE!
Because I knew that I would have the gift of time this summer, I planned to get some “summer projects” done. I really worked hard and got them all DONE!! I have to say that it felt so good to set goals and actually accomplish them this summer! My main goal was to get rid of clutter… and I did just that!! I was able to clean and organize Rissy’s room, her toys, my jewelry, my closet, the mail, etc. It felt sooo good to get all of these things done so that I could start the school year out on an organized note.
Teage Family Vacay
This past summer we took our first official family vacation. It was so much fun! It was Rissy’s first time on a plane and she did great!! We took her to Florida and she LOVED the beach! It was so nice to make memories together and to really relax. Even though Rissy is young, she still talks about some of the things we did while in Florida. She had a blast and I’m already planning our next vacation!
Gr8 Reads
Some of you all might already know this, but I LOVE to read! I’ve been a big reader ever since I was a kid. I used to read all the time! I shared a post about 8 books that helped shaped my life. You can read that post here. This summer I was able to catch up on my reading. It felt sooo good to be able to sit down with a great book, some hot tea and just read, read, read. One of the books that I read this summer is Successful Women Think Differently: 9 Habits to Make you Happier, Healthier and More Resilient by Valorie Burton. This was an EXCELLENT book! I started reading it 4 years ago, and found myself for whatever reason, not being able to finish it. I realize now that it was all about timing. The parts that I read over the years were pertinent for what I was going through in that time and moment. As I read the book this summer (again) I was able to get more from it then the years past. I realized that it was meant for me to read this book now. It was such an encouragement and really what I needed to hear at this stage in my life and career. I love how she includes scripture to support what she is saying in addition to practical ways to apply the content. She also includes coaching questions that are great for reflection and application. I would definitely recommend this book… Hands down!! I loved this book so much that I will be reading Successful Women Speak Differently: 9 Habits That Build Confidence, Courage & Influence by the same author. Can’t wait!!
I’m baaaack!!
Another great thing about this summer is that I was really able to work on this blog. I know that I have been a little MIA, but thankfully I had time to come up with some new ideas, fresh content and ways to really make this year a great one! I can’t wait to share the new content I’ve been working on. I also cannot wait to connect with you all again. I have some fun stuff planned so stay tuned!
I hope you all had a great summer as well! I would love to hear what made your summer so great!! Please share in the comments below!!
Gr8fully Yours,
I love your enthusiasm as well as the name of your blog. Your positive attitude is really wonderful and inspiring!
Awww thank you so much! Thank you for stopping by and for the very kind words! 🙂