I can’t believe that my little Rissy is going to be three years old in May! Where did the time go?? I still can’t believe we’ve been doing this parenting thing for almost three years now. While I might not be as rested these days as I used to, I wouldn’t trade this experience for anything! Yes, I have circles under my eyes, but I have a little sweetheart who blesses my heart every day! And she’s one of the most grateful toddlers I know! 😉
While she’s growing so fast, and learning so much, I too have learned so much from her as well. I mentioned in a previous post that I am not only her “teacher” but she’s also mine. You can find that post here.
So with that said… here are 8 things that I have learned from raising a toddler. Here we go!
I need to be mindful of what I say and do
They are super sponges! Yes, we’ve heard that children are sponges and that they soak everything in. Well when they become toddlers, they are SUPER sponges. They not only soak everything in, but what they’ve soaked in also seeps out… good or bad… The other day when Rissy was trying to do something and it wasn’t coming together like she wanted, she sucked her teeth in frustration…. just like I do!!! She literally looked and sounded JUST LIKE ME!!!! I couldn’t believe that she had done that! It was a reminder to me that I need to be mindful of how I react to things and show my frustration in front of her. I also just need to be mindful of how I handle things around her in general. I’m her biggest example and I need to keep that in mind.
I gotta let her grow up… a little
Their personalities are really starting to develop at this age. I have seen Rissy’s personality really start to come out. Some things she does and says reminds me of her dad. There are times where I’ll see snippets of myself come out. I think she has a great mix of both of our personalities. She gets her sweetness from me… LOL!!! I love the little person she is becoming. She’s adventurous, kind, caring and she’s becoming so independent. She wants to do everything by herself. I let her try things (that are safe of course) and when she needs help, she will let me know. I about fell out the first time she wanted to use the bathroom by herself and told me that she would call me when she’s done. I was NOT ready for that level of independence… but ready or not… I’m learning to let go a little bit and let her grow into the little person that she is to be. It’s hard to see my little baby grow up so fast… but I’m so grateful that she is growing the way she is supposed to be. I know that God has a very special plan for her life, and I want to make sure that I am helping her to become the mighty woman of God He wants her to be.
I gotta give her her space… kind of
They still love hugs, cuddles and kisses… but only on their terms. I’m a HUGE cuddler! I love hugs and kisses from my Rissy, but she’s getting to the age where she wants a little break from all of the kisses and hugs I want to bestow upon her! LOL! One time I gave her a couple of kisses on her cheeks and she said, “That’s enough! No more kisses mommy!” First of all… how did she even know to say that? In context no less? Once I got over my initial shock (and a little hurt) I remembered that this is part of her growing up. That I need to soak in and enjoy all the hugs and kisses I can get now because the older they get, the less kisses, hugs and cuddles from mommy they will want.
I need to be available for her 
At the end of the day they still want mommy. It’s so funny because after I have spent a whole day with Rissy, whenever I need to step out to run errands, or need to go in the room to work on my blog, all she wants is MOMMY. She has come into the room at least three times while I have been writing this post. “Mommy, I want to cuddle with you on the bed”. “Daddy I want mommy!” “Mommy where are you?” “Mommy I’m just coming to check on you.” Those are the things that I’ve been hearing for the past hour while trying to work on this post. So I have stopped what I’m doing have given her the cuddles she wants. I’m learning that time goes by so fast and that I need to enjoy the time and what’s to spend with me. So if that means I need to stop what I’m doing to cuddle with her, that’s exactly what I’m going to do.
More listening…. less talking…
Toddlers are hilarious! Now that Rissy talks so much, she says some of the funniest things ever!! A while back after she had gotten up from a 2 hour nap she made the comment that she was tired. I asked her why and she said it was because she had woken up very, very early that morning. She had me cracking up! She’s a trip. She’s started this new thing where we will be having a serious conversation or I might be correcting her and she’ll say something to be funny. I’ll try to hold myself together and say “Arissa, Mommy’s not laughing”, or “Arissa you need to be appropriate”. Then she’ll bust out with “but it’s funny… just a little bit right mommy?” Of course what she says in that moment is very funny, but I can’t let her know that. Afterwards, I’ll go and have a good little chuckle to myself. I said all of that to say that I’m learning that it’s important to LISTEN to her more. Rather than just telling her what to do, or not to do, I’m working on listening to what she has to say. I want her to know that what she has to say is important. I also want her to know that she can talk to me, so that when she gets older, it will be something she’ll already be used to doing.
I gotta keep up… in more ways than one!!
They keep you on your toes… literally! Rissy is sooooo busy!! From the minute she wakes up to the minute she goes to bed, she just goes, goes, goes! I mean I feel like I am constantly running behind her… literally! LOL! She has sooo much energy sometimes I have to wonder where she gets it from. It can’t be me… LOL! I have to admit that I am glad that she has a lot of energy though… That she’s developing and growing up nicely. One thing I realize is that not only do I need to just keep up with her in the literal sense, but also in the growing up sense. Let me explain what I mean…. kids these days are growing up sooo fast! I mean things that these kids are doing and saying at 8, 9 & 10 is beyond me!! When I was that age all I remember doing was playing with barbies, dress up and singing… (Hey Wella!! :-)) So yes…. I need to keep up with what my Rissy is doing, what she’s being exposed to and how quickly she is growing up! I want her to be a kid as long as possible and it’s our responsibility to make sure that we protect that in her.
It is possible to save money
They have less expenses… sort of. Thankfully Rissy is potty trained and no longer needs diapers. 🙌🏽🙌🏽 And even when she’s wearing a pull up, she still tells me when she needs to use the restroom. (She’s gonna LOVE reading these posts when she gets older!! LOL!!) So that’s definitely one way we are able to save money! Another thing that I realized is that once a toddler hits 2T size you are good in that you can hold on to those clothes for the next one. A child is going to be size 2T for a while, so regardless of what season the clothes are in, they will get some wear out of them again. So that was a little revelation I came across a couple of weeks ago when I was doing her laundry. Don’t know why it took that long for me to get that… but Praise the Lord anyhow!! LOL! Another way that I’m realizing I can still save money with a toddler is in the area of food. Once a toddler is able to eat solids, they can start eating what you eat. No more having to buy baby food or formula! That has been a great money saver for us!
Slow down and enjoy the moment
This is one area that I really need to work on more. I realize that I get so caught up in trying to stay on top of everything: house work, laundry, cooking, etc. that sometimes I don’t stop and enjoy the little moments I have with Rissy. It’s okay if the house is not perfect and there is still laundry to be done. All of that can WAIT!!! Before I know it, she’ll be the one running off with her friends and I’ll be missing her. I’ll always have time to do laundry, clean dishes, etc. But I won’t always have my baby. I need to make sure that I make the time I have with her now meaningful and that we really connect while we can. I also want to make sure that I instill in her the things of God now while she is young. So that when she is older, she will have a true understanding and relationship with Jesus. I can’t do that if I’m too busy being a “Martha”. Martha? Let me explain…
In Luke 10:38-42 there’s a story about two sisters: Mary and Martha. This story stands out to me because Martha was so busy being BUSY that she missed the main point of Jesus’ visit to their home.
As Jesus and his disciples were on their way, he came to a village where a woman named Martha opened her home to him. 39 She had a sister called Mary, who sat at the Lord’s feet listening to what he said.40 But Martha was distracted by all the preparations that had to be made. She came to him and asked, “Lord, don’t you care that my sister has left me to do the work by myself? Tell her to help me!”
41 “Martha, Martha,” the Lord answered, “you are worried and upset about many things, 42 but few things are needed—or indeed only one.a]”>[a]Mary has chosen what is better, and it will not be taken away from her.” (NIV)
I don’t want this to happen to me in my relationships with Jesus or with my family. So I will definitely be working on this.
Well mommy friends… what are some things that you’ve learned from raising a toddler? I would LOVE to know! Please share in the comments below!!
Gr8fully Yours!!