Becoming a mom is one of the BEST things that has happened to me! I truly enjoy this life role. I am sooo grateful for the experience and do not take it lightly. We had been trying to get pregnant for a while and at one point I had planned to get checked out by the doctor just to make sure that everything was okay. You can read more of that story here.
Now that Rissy is getting older, we’ve started thinking about baby #2… And NO there’s no bun in the oven… yet… 😉 Thinking about baby #2 has me going down memory lane BIG TIME!! While the beginning of my pregnancy was really, REALLY tough… once I got through that rough patch, I really loved and enjoyed being pregnant. Having my Rissy so close to me was really special. Knowing that I had another human being growing inside of me was one of the most amazing and humbling thoughts ever. I was very grateful that we were finally expecting since we had been waiting and praying for this little blessing for so long.
So without further ado, here are 8 of my favorite pregnancy memories:
Finding out we were expecting 
I remember this day as if it were yesterday. It was one of the best days of my life, a day I will NEVER forget. I also remember trying to wrap our heads around the fact that we were actually pregnant and how our lives were going to change in a HUGE way! I remember taking so many pregnancy tests just to make sure I was really pregnant!!
Hearing the heartbeat for the very first time
I remember going to the doctor right after we found out we were pregnant. We were both a ball of nervous energy. We were so excited and couldn’t wait to see what the doctor would say. I just remember being really sick that day. When that morning sickness hit me…it hit me HARD!! I was not ready for that! Even though I felt so sick that day, the moment I heard Arissa’s heartbeat, it all became worth it.
Telling our friends and family
I remember how excited we were to tell our family and friends about the newest member of our family to come. We had a blast trying to figure out how we were going to tell everyone. We called and FaceTimed our immediate family, but we created a fun announcement to share with everyone else. I remember when we took the pictures for the announcement. And I’m proud to say that I came up with the announcement idea. I remember how excited everyone was for us! It was a blast being able to share with everyone the great news.
Finding out we were having a girl
I remember how excited we were to find out what we were going to have. In our hearts we really felt like we were having a girl, but didn’t know for sure. I remember the excitement that went into planning our gender reveal party. The theme for the reveal party was “bow ties and pearls”. We really had a blast and the excitement of our friends and family when we found out what we were having was such a blessing to see!
Feeling her kick for the very first time
I remember this moment as if it were yesterday. We were sitting in the car on the way home from church and I felt something tickle in my tummy. At first I thought it was just me imagining things… but then I felt it again… and again! That was one of the most amazing experiences ever! It’s one thing to know you’re pregnant, see the ultrasounds and hear the heartbeat, but it’s another to actually feel the baby moving inside. It definitely sets in even more that there’s a little human inside, growing and waiting to come out at just the right time.
Baby Shower Fun
I remember how excited we were about the baby shower. Henry told me not to even worry about it, that he, his family and my close friends would be planning and putting it together. It was amazing!! They really did such a great job! It was so awesome to have so many people celebrating with us. Baby Teage (as she was called at the time) was (and is still) so loved! We got sooo many gifts. We had EVERYTHING we needed and more!! We were and still are so grateful for all of the blessings we received. My sister in law, Mai, went all out with the decorations, program and invitations. She is truly a blessing and I’m so blessed to have her as my sister.
Setting up the nursery
I remember the excitement we had setting up the nursery. We scoured the internet for color schemes and ideas. We just had to have the perfect nursery!! LOL!! But for real… I remember when Henry and Joanna (his sister) came to paint the purple accent wall. They had a blast and we were all so excited! We were also so excited to get her changing table and crib set up. I will never forget how much fun we had setting everything up!
Taking Maternity photos 
This was such a fun experience. One of our really good friends who happens to be an amazing photographer (Hey Oscar and Steffi!!) took our maternity pics. We had such a blast and really enjoyed taking them. I saw a maternity picture of a woman wearing african cloth and I just knew I had to do the same! Henry is from Liberia, so I thought that would be a great way to incorporate that part of her heritage in the pictures. Henry reached out to one of his dear friends and she hooked me up with the outfit for the ethnic maternity pics. (Hey Rekha!!) Henry took those pictures TWO days before Arissa was born. I still can’t believe he had me sitting on the ground like that!! LOL! But I have to say I was VERY pleased with the outcome!!
Yep, pregnancy was one of the hardest but BEST experiences I have ever had! Some days I still can’t believe that I’m a mommy! I’m grateful for the blessing of motherhood. One of the hardest, but MOST REWARDING jobs ever!!
So mommy friends, what are some of your fave pregnancy memories? And future mommies…. what are some things you are looking forward to in pregnancy?? I would love to hear about them! Please share in the comments below!
Gr8fully Yours!!
So sweet! I love your post!! And all your sweet pics!!! Blessings to you my sister! ❤
Awww thank you so much!! 😊 thank you for stopping by and for the comment!!! Be blessed!!! ❤️
Such beautiful photos and memories. 🙂 my hubby and I are expecting baby #3 and with each one it gets harder to capture and hold on to those memories! But equally important! 🙂 thanks for sharing!
Oh wow!! Congratulations!!! Awww thank you so much!!! It was such a wonderful time of my life and I am so grateful to have this experience. Thank you for stopping by and for the comment!! Be blessed!!
I enjoyed reading your post. I am mother too though my son is now 24 years old and I hoped to experience pregnancy again but life didn’t turn out the way I expected it to. Motherhood is the best thing that can ever happen to a woman. My son is man now and doesn’t live with me but when he’s around, I just love to hear him call me, ‘mum’, its priceless!
Awwww that’s wonderful! Yes!! “Mommy” is my favorite name these days. I completely agree!!! Motherhood truly is a blessing and I pray that I’ll be able to have another one soon. Thank you so much for stopping by and for the comment!! Be blessed!!! 😊