Happy New Year Everyone!!
I cannot tell you how thrilled I am that the new year is here! 2018 was quite a year! I’ll admit it was challenging and it felt like there were more downs than ups this year. Even though it had its rough seasons, it was a “growing” year for me. Growth requires stretching, and that’s exactly what I did this year. Growth is not comfortable or easy, but it is ALWAYS worth it. They don’t call them “growing pains” for nothing!
As I reflected on 2018 and all that I experienced, there were 8 “lessons” that really stood out to me.
Here we go!!
Expect the unexpected
I’m definitely a planner (ask Henry, he’ll tell you) so I really have a hard time when my routine is “messed up” or things don’t go as I had originally planned. So needless to say when we had a huge change at work, and I had to take on many, many, many more responsibilities, it definitely threw me for a loop! I had to adjust quickly to the need and I’ll be honest with you, it was extremely tough and I actually considered quitting. To say these last 3 months have been tough is definitely an understatement. However, I’m grateful that I was able to grow and learned that I can handle another level of stress and demands that I didn’t know I could. So yes, while things were tough and it feels like I’m still recovering, God’s grace and strength kept me and for that I am sooo grateful! So while unexpected things will happen, don’t let them deter you from the plan and purpose that God has for you!
Unexpected things will happen, don’t let them deter you from the plan and purpose that God has for you!
Melissa Teage
People will disappoint you
I’ve known this to be true, but I experienced it on a different level this year. I’ve learned not to put my trust in men because they will disappoint you. People who I didn’t expect to disappoint me did so this year, but you know what? That’s okay because it caused me to press deeper into the Lord and to experience Him as the friend who sticks closer than a brother. It was a great reminder that my faith and trust should be ALWAYS be in The One who never fails anyway.
Relationships change
Relationships go through seasons. They have ebbs and flows. I’ve learned that you can still be friendly and love from a distance at times if you need to. I’ve also learned that sometimes you have to go through things by yourself. Well let me rephrase that, you FEEL like you’re going through things by yourself, but ultimately God is with you. But sometimes you have to go through things “alone” so that you can grow. Sometimes the very lessons that God might be trying to teach you may require separation for a season. Or sometimes you might be in a critical season in your call that may require you to be “alone”. That’s okay. At the end of the day, you have to trust that He knows best and that He is forming you for that which He has called you to do. Relationships can also change in other ways. For instance, one of my very dear friends from back home and I lost touch about seven years ago. Recently, we were able to reconnect and it’s been such a blessing. I love the friendships that you can go a very long time without talking and pick up right where you left off!
Trials are part of the journey
I always knew this to be true, and have definitely had my share of trials over the years. This year the trials seemed to be a little bigger than I expected (or planned for!! Lol). But GOD is bigger than my trials and anything I will ever go through. Trials will come but you are going to rise above them. The ONE who is in you is greater than anything you will face. I saw a quote on social media this week that really resonated with me: “The weapons were formed, but didn’t prosper in 2018.” And thank God they didn’t! He is so faithful! Which brings me to my next point…
God works ALL things out for our good
Speaking of trials… they definitely help you grow. Many times God will use trials to form and grow you. When you remain faithful and trust in His hand, He will vindicate and restore to you what the enemy tried to steal from you. For instance, there was a really difficult situation at work not too long ago where I was completely disrespected and mistreated. I literally had to do everything in my power not to be disrespectful back… Well I actually had to rely on HIS power… but you know what I mean! But seriously that was a really tough situation (among others) that I had to deal with… But guess what? The very people who were so disrespectful blessed me with an unexpected gift today! I was completely surprised and was NOT expecting it at all. I’ve learned that when you stay “silent” allow the Lord to “fight your battles”, He will work everything out for your good. Even when it feels so tough and you feel like you can’t take it anymore. Proverbs 16:7 says “When a man’s ways please the Lord, he makes even his enemies to be at peace with him”. (ESV)
When a man’s ways please the Lord, he makes even his enemies to be at peace with him.
Proverbs 16:7 (esv)
Gods grace is sufficient
His strength is made perfect in our weakness. I’ve experienced this concept before, but I really experienced it at a different level in 2018. I look back at 2018 and all the things I did and know that it was only by God’s grace that I was able to meet all the demands that were placed on me. I also learned that when I rely on His grace, that I am way stronger than I thought I could ever be. And when things got really crazy at work, and there were times where I didn’t know how I was going to stay on top of things, I know that it was His strength that kept and helped me. Thank God for His grace and strength!
Relaxation is imperative
In 2017 I wrote a post called 8 Simple Ways to Refresh and Recharge. While the ideas I shared were helpful and I still use them from time to time, the one thing that I didn’t include on that list was ways the importance of relaxing your mind and thoughts. Many times we focus on relaxing our bodies, or escaping the busyness of life, but one thing I learned over the year was to relax my mind and thoughts. When things were so crazy at work, I stressed out a lot about the things that I had to do, or the things that I couldn’t control. This caused me a lot of anxiety and I really felt like I was just trying to make it through each day. When I finally got tired of stressing and trying to do things on my own, I began to realize that my mind was on the wrong things. In Isaiah 26:3 it says: “You will keep him in perfect peace whose mind is stayed on you, because He trusts in you.” (NKJV) It was when I began to put my mind on the Lord and His word that I began to experience peace in the midst of my “storm”. While it is good to relax your body and treat yourself, its even better to relax your mind by keeping it on Him, not just when things are tough but always.
You will keep him in perfect peace whose mind is stayed on you, because He trusts in you.
Isaiah 26:3 (NKJV)
Jesus is the BEST Father I could ever have
Growing up I was raised by my mom. When I was two years old my mom and I moved to Oklahoma for her to attend Oral Roberts University. I never had a relationship with my father growing up and the last time I saw or spoke to him was when I was five years old. Even though my father knew where I was and how to find me, he never attempted to have a relationship with me. Growing up I had a lot of questions as to the “why”, but now that I am wiser, I know that God was protecting me. While my earthly father rejected me, my Heavenly Father did not. Growing up the Lord constantly took care of me. He blessed me way beyond what a single mother making a teacher’s salary could do. I have testimonies upon testimonies of the goodness of God in my life. (Sounds like another post!!) Even though I am an adult, the Lord continues to take care of me as a Father would his child. In 2018, I experienced his Fatherly love on a whole new level though his supernatural provision. He always has a way of showing me that I am always His child and in His heart. He has been a faithful Father growing up and continues to be a faithful Father now. I am truly blessed!!
So there you have it! While 2018 had its moments, I’m so grateful for the lessons it taught me. They have helped me grow and become a better person.
So dear friends, I would love to hear from you! What are some lessons that 2018 taught you? Please share in the comments below!
Here’s to an amazing 2019!!
Gr8fully Yours!

Hi Missy,
I am so encouraged to read this blog from you. I think this one is the best blog ever . Thank you for sharing ! 🙂
Awww thank you soo much Mai!! That is so sweet of you!! Thank you for reading it and for the comment! Love you!! 😘😘