I have many roles in life: a woman, wife, mom, professional, etc. My most “favoritest” role is being a mom. Yes, it is EXHAUSTING and can be very overwhelming at times, but despite all of that, there are many simple joys that are a part of motherhood.
There are so many stages of motherhood and each one has its own challenges AND joys. In 2017, I wrote a post called “8 Simple Joys of Motherhood”, well I would like to share 8 MORE Simple Joys of Motherhood that I’ve been blessed to experience.
Here we go!
MORE Snuggles & Cuddles with my sweetie pie

I’m still a cuddler… BIG TIME!! So I love it when Rissy wants to snuggle and cuddle. She’s at the stage where she still likes to cuddle, and you best believe I milk every bit of it!! I LOVE it when she gives me random kisses on my arm and random hugs. She’s a sweetie pie and I’m trying to enjoy all the cuddles I can get while she still wants to cuddle with me!
When Rissy calls me her “partner”
Lately Rissy has been calling me her partner and bestie! First of all… the fact that she knows the word bestie and what it means is too cute!! 🙂 So you know I definitely play into all of that with her. At the end of the day she knows I’m MOMMY, but yes, we are “partners” and “besties”. As she gets older, I want her to know that she can come to be about ANYTHING.
MORE Laughs and Giggles with Rissy

I love her sense of humor! She is soooo funny!! And her laugh is so infectious you can’t help but laugh yourself! She makes us laugh ALL THE TIME!! Earlier today she came into the room to sing a song for me… She had her toy broom and was using it like a guitar! It was hilarious! I will say this though… Her song was really cute!
Seeing Rissy grow into her own person

It’s amazing how fast time seems to go. I still can’t believe she will be four this year! She has grown sooo much and so fast, I’m still trying to wrap my head around it! She’s been going to full day preschool and is learning so much. Every day she comes home and shares something new that she’s learned at school. I have seen her grow into her own little person! I love her personality. I’d like to think she got it from me!! 🙂 But seriously she is so sweet, caring and kind. I’m so proud of her and the growth that she is making.
The feeling of knowing that I helped create this amazing little human

Sometimes when I look at Rissy, I’m just in awe of the fact that a.) This little person came from me and Henry and b. )How amazing she is! I do not take for granted the fact that she is here and that I am able to be a mom. It’s a HUGE responsibility and I don’t take it lightly! I know the plans God has for her life are great, and I want to make sure that I help guide her in God’s ways. I can’t wait to see what she does and becomes for the Lord!
How Rissy takes care of her mommy
So the other day I was walking and I slipped and fell on some black ice. (Hey it happens to the best of us right??) I tried to break my fall as much as possible but landed really hard on my left knee. As soon as this happened, Arissa ran over to check on me and to make sure that I was okay. After she did that, she proceeded to “yell” at the black ice, telling it to “never hurt her mommy again”. That the black ice was a “bad guy for hurting mommy and for it to stop”! It was sooo cute how she was fussing at the ice! Then she came back to me to tell me that next time I needed to make sure that I hold her hand! I have to say I definitely started to “feel better” after that. I felt everything all over again in the morning, but it was so sweet to see how she took care of me. That’s my girl!!
The blessing she is to my life and to others
Rissy has been a HUGE blessing to us! She has brought so much love, joy, kindness, laughs, etc to my life. Being her mommy has brought me so much fulfillment. I knew that I would love being a mommy, but I didn’t know I would LOVE it this much!! She is simply amazing and my pride and joy. She has a way of blessing my heart when I’m least expecting it. The other morning she was sitting on our bed watching me get ready. As I’m rushing around getting dressed she says to me in her sweet voice, “mommy”. “Yes”, I replied. “You are so beautiful”, she says. Completely melted my heart. I was NOT expecting that, and it was just what I needed to hear in that moment. The Lord has used her over and over again to bless me in those little ways. I’m so grateful for my little blessing and all the joy she brings to my heart.
The special bond we share

Lately Rissy has been all about mommy and I can’t even lie… I LOVE IT!! There was a time where she was all about daddy, but now it’s my turn!! But seriously, as I’ve mentioned before, she is my sweetheart and the bond we share is very special. I love that she still enjoys my company and wants to spend as much time with mommy as possible. It’s so cute when she wants to give me one more hug and good night kiss. And I love when she asks me to cuddle with her “for 2 more minutes”. Yes, she might be stalling at bedtime, but I will take those 2 minutes of cuddles. Before you know it she will be older and won’t want mommy’s cuddles, so I better take advantage of them while I can!
So there you have it…. 8 MORE simple joys of motherhood!
So dear moms, what are some “simple joys of motherhood” that you have discovered? I would love to hear them! Please share in the comments below.
And dear future moms, what are some that you are looking forward to when you become a mommy? I would also love to hear them! Please share in the comments below.
Gr8fully Yours,

I hate to say this but …. told you so! 😘
I knew that being a mom would be your most beloved calling; of course it helps having a cutie pie like Arissa! Just sayin… this is your happy place indeed!
I’m all about the snuggles too. My oldest isn’t much of a cuddler, but my youngest is probably the best snuggler I’ve ever met. I will enjoy every moment of it because one day she probably won’t want to anymore.
This post brought up some sweet, precious memories of when my children were little. My husband and I are now grandparents (which we absolutely love) and we have an empty nest. It sounds like you are not taking even the little motherhood blessings for granted – what an inspiring attitude you have!