tgw_lele_rissyWell sort of!! It’s been a busy 5 months (about) since Arissa was born! I’ve been trying to find my “new normal” and get into a steady routine. Some days have been harder than others, but for the most part I feel like I’m finally getting back to normal… 

Having a baby is a HUGE adjustment… Seriously… It changes your life.. When you’re pregnant people tell you the following things: your life will change forever, get all the sleep you can now because you’ll never get to sleep in again, kids are so expensive, etc. all of this is true, but I wouldn’t change it for ANYTHING! Arissa is my joy!!! I almost wish we had done this having a baby thing sooner… Almost!!

While I love my new normal… There are some things that I kind of miss… Okay… I really miss…

1. Sleeping in! Yes I was a huge “sleeper inner”… And I love my sleep… But I don’t know what it means to sleep in anymore!! Aside from one of my birthday gifts (which was sleeping in) I haven’t had that luxury in a long time!!! But what I do have are two beautiful bright brown eyes smiling at me when Arissa wakes up oh so early at 6, 5:30, or even 5 a.m. And I can’t help but smile and say “good morning baby!”

2. Lounging around the house all day and doing nothing…. Well I still lounge, but it’s “productive lounging”… I def like to relax with my baby girl, but as I’m relaxing and lounging, I am also staying productive. I have to do that or else the laundry will pile up (and babies have a lot of laundry!!!), bottles will pile up, and the house will not clean itself… But what I have learned is how to do things quicker and more efficiently… I’ve had to think wayyyy outside of the box and have come up with some pretty handy “mommy hacks”… Maybe I’ll even share some in a future blog post…

And last but not least… At least for today…

3. Catching up on my shows… Yes I have some shows I love(d) to watch… But I haven’t had much time to catch up on them at all!! I’m a good 1-2 seasons behind!! I’m so busy just keeping up with life these days I don’t have much time for my shows!! But what I do have is the greatest “show” I will ever have… Playing with Arissa, listening to her “talk”, kissing her chubby cheeks, seeing her bright smile and hearing her laugh at my funny faces is all the entertainment I need… I have to enjoy these seasons because before you know it… She’ll be playing on her own!

Those a just a few of my favorite things… But my most “favoritest “of all is the sweet baby I get to cuddle with every day!! She is my favorite little girl in the whole wide world!! And I am so in love with her!! She is truly a joy and my gift. Being a mommy is def one of my favorite things… So on that note… Let me go kiss my baby one more time for the night…

Gr8fully Yours,